Vico in Dubai

How long is the useful life of shoes?

The answer to this question can be different depending on the type and quality of the shoe, the amount, and how you use the shoe. Do you wear the same shoes regularly? Do you do heavy sports and physically demanding work? These things can cause your shoe to deteriorate over time.
Shoe brands all over the world estimate the useful life of shoes between 400 and 800 kilometers. Therefore, whatever good brand you have chosen for your shoe, such as the Vico brand, if you use your shoes permanently and do long-term sports and hard work with them, it is better to get new shoes in less than ten days so that your body feels be more comfortable In this case, your shoes can make your body fully maintain its health. But if you use the shoes for daily use and also use special shoes for every occasion, then your shoes can be used usefully for eight months to several years.

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